In a repeat Final of last year, Cinnamon Grand Colombo “A” and Walkers Tours “A”
were declared as joint winners at the 2nd Travel Trade Sports Club 05 a side, Beach Tag
Rugby Championships 2014, concluded on Saturday, 25th October at the Paradise
Beach, Mt. Lavinia.
With a participation of 13 teams pooled into 04 groups, the tournament for the 2nd year
was sponsored by Walkers Tours, hosted by Mt. Lavinia Hotels Group and conducted by
Agoal International.
(Prabarth Harshakumar, VP John Keells Group and Head of Business Development of
Walkers Tours (in white hat) handing over the Trophy to the Captains from Cinnamon
Grand “A” & Walkers Tours “A”. Also in the picture: Sasala Dissanayake from Walkers
Tours and Dilroy Fernando, Tournament Director )
the 2013 runners-up, Walkers Tours “A”, after some fierce competition finished 0-0 at
the long whistle and even 06 minutes of extra time failed to break the dead –lock.
At this stage the Tournament Director, Dilroy Fernando decided to declare them as joint
winners, as rain was threatening to come down at any moment.
Cinnamon Grand Colombo “B” won the “Plate”, beating Classic Travels “A” 10/05;
while Walkers Tours “B” took the “Bowl” beating Ramada Colombo 10/05.
At the completion of the round robin stage, consisting 15 matches (each game played
for 07 minutes flat), the 1st two teams of each group qualified for the “Cup” & the
“Plate” and the 3rd team qualified for the “Bowl”.
Match Results / K-O Round
Cup QF’s : Cinnamon Grand “A” beat Sri Lankan Airlines 15/0; Green Holidays beat
Cinnamon Grand “B” 15/10; Cinnamon Lakeside beat Kingsbury 10/5; Walkers Tours
“A” beat Classic Travels “A” 15/5;
“Cup” SF’s : Cinnamon Grand “A” beat Green Holidays 15/0; Walkers Tours “A” beat
Cinnamon Lakeside 10/0.
“Plate” SF’s : Cinnamon Grand “B” beat Sri Lankan airlines 15/0; Classic Travels “A” beat
The Kingsbury 10/0
“Bowl” SF’s – Walkers Tours “B” beat Classic Travels “B” 15/0; Ramada Colombo beat
Mt. Lavinia Hotel 5/0
Special Awards:
Most Outstanding Player “Cup” : Rameez Rafik from Walkers Tours “A”
Best Player “Plate” : Hiran Kumar from Classic Travels “A”.
Best Player “Bowl” : Shanedra Fernando from Walkers Tours “B”
The Presenters at the post tournament awards were, Prabath Harshakumar, VP/JK
Group & Head of Business Development, Walkers Tours (Chief Guest), Chinthaka
Daluwatte, Group Director, Sales and Marketing, Mt. Lavinia Hotels Group (Guest of
Honour), Denesh Silva, President /TTSC, Sasala Dissanayake, Cammie Gunasekera and
Fawzan Fareid (all from TTSC Committee)